Is My Prestolite Leece-Neville Alternator Under Warranty?

Sometimes you don’t want to pick up the phone and talk over your warranty issues. You just want to find a simple resource online, give it a quick glance and figure out if your alternator is covered under warranty or if you’re going to have to buy a new one.

Here you’ll find that simple resource. Is your Prestolite Leece-Neville alternator covered by the warranty?

Conditions are below. Look through the content to find out.

Data code verification

The part must contain the part label.

If the part label is missing or destroyed, a justifiable reason must be presented and accepted by a representative before a claim process is initiated. A missing label or a label which was intentionally destroyed may void the warranty.

If the date code is newer than the vehicle manufacture date/in service date, this will indicate the presence of a replacement part. The date code must coincide with the date of invoice when the part was purchased, or be validated by an install date.

Request a quote on your new Prestolite Leece-Neville alternators here.

Always verify the mileage and time does not exceed the amount warranty permits by model number.

Dirt, grease, more

The part must be acceptably maintained.

Oil and grease on the surface and inside the alternator will prevent the unit from cooling properly, causing premature failure.

This will also create a low voltage condition throughout the vehicle, harming the battery in the process of harming the alternator.

Remove the fan from the alternator and look inside the openings. If excessive oil, dirt and debris are present, your warranty is void.

Rust and corrosion

Corrosion should not be present.

Alternators corroded to a point where they cannot function, or the rust and corrosion causes intermittent or no operation, will not be covered by warranty.

This condition is caused by road salt or other chemicals unfriendly to metals.

Rotate the rotor shaft by hand and ensure it rotates freely.


Damaged shaft, mounting bosses or housing are not acceptable for warranty.

Bent, broken, cracked or elongated mounting holes, impact marks or cracked housing deem all products unacceptable for warranty.

Shorts to the outside housing or connections

Signs of arcing or direct shorts to the outside housing or connection points void the warranty.

Signs of arcing or direct shorts to the outside housing or connection points, including foreign hardware dropped or loose inside of alternator housing, void the warranty.

Improperly connected electrically modified electrical connection or cut/severed wires will void the warranty.

And there you have it.

You can be confident your warranty claim will be accepted/rejected based on these criteria from Prestolite Leece-Neville.

If you need to get your hands on a new order of heavy duty alternators, give us a call. We ship anywhere in the world.