The success of your fleet depends on optimizing vehicles and operators to perform at peak efficiency for as long as possible (and in the most cost-efficient configuration as possible). Unfortunately, extremely hot weather can throw a wrench into your plans. In fact, heat, not cold, is the biggest stressor on the batteries and electrical systems in your fleet. Keep reading to learn how to prevent heat damage to your fleet.
The top summer heat issues for your fleet.
The top maintenance issues experienced in hot conditions include:
Engine overheating often results from the radiator not working as intended. Make sure oil, transmission fluid and brake fluid levels are sufficient. Check for faulty sensors and blockages along any fluid transmission lines.
Air conditioner underperformance or failure impacts drivers, and without drivers there is no fleet. Check Freon pressure and recommended levels. Low pressure causes the compressor to work harder, maybe even fail. This is a fast and cheap test to perform. Leaks in the system can be located using a Freon dye test.
Cracking and wear on tires is exacerbated by extreme heat, but drivers can monitor and maintain tires as part of the daily routine. Air pressure should match suggested levels and the tires should be free of cracks and bubbles.
It’s always better to prevent problems before they occur.
But some fleets don’t summerize. Why?
It’s true. Almost 30% of fleets might skip summerizing. Is yours one of them?
The most common reasons for skipping this sort of preventative maintenance are:
The fleet manager thinks it’s unnecessary.
The fleet manager thinks it’s too expensive.
The fleet manager simply forgot to schedule it.
In some cases, a fleet operates in a location where the weather is relatively stable year-round, so summerizing is genuinely not necessary. But the majority don’t, and should make the effort to prep the fleet for summer.
Let Elreg Help You Prevent Heat Damage to Your Fleet
If the temperature swings from cool to hot in your region over the summer, do your fleet a favour and plan to protect it from the heat. Take care of the engine, the AC and the tires.