Troubleshooting Heavy Vehicle Electrical Issues (Infographic)

Not sure what the cause is of your heavy vehicle electrical issues? Luckily, our alternator and starter experts have put together a quick visual guide for troubleshooting these problems. Check it out to learn more!

Print This Troubleshooting Flowchart and post it somewhere in your shop.

There’s a saying:

  • Skip 1 step and you add 5 later.

12 Volt Charging SystemSo when you run into problems with your heavy vehicle electrical system, follow the steps in this flowchart to the letter. It’s the fastest, most reliable way to work through the possibilities and find the trouble.

You can download the high-resolution, printable document at the following link:

Common Heavy Vehicle Electrical Issues

1. Alternator Failures

Problem: The alternator is responsible for supplying power to the vehicle’s electrical components and charging the battery. If it fails, the battery will drain quickly, and the vehicle can stall.

Solution: Regular inspections and checking for warning signs like dimming lights or a weak battery can prevent unexpected alternator failures. Replacing worn-out belts and ensuring clean connections can also extend the alternator’s life.

2. Dead Batteries

Problem: Heavy-duty vehicles often rely on their batteries for various functions. A dead battery will prevent the vehicle from starting.

Solution: Regularly check the battery’s voltage. Ensure that all lights and electrical components are turned off when the vehicle isn’t in use. Replace batteries that have exceeded their expected lifespan.

3. Faulty Starters

Problem: The starter motor initiates the engine’s operation. If it malfunctions, the engine won’t crank or might produce a clicking sound.

Solution: Ensure the starter’s electrical connections are clean and tight. Replace the starter motor if it shows signs of wear or fails to engage consistently.

4. Damaged Wiring or Connectors

Problem: Exposed, corroded, or damaged wires can lead to various electrical problems, from malfunctioning lights to short circuits.

Solution: Regularly inspect the wiring harness for signs of damage or wear. Replace or repair any damaged sections promptly and ensure connectors are clean and secure.

5. Malfunctioning Sensors

Problem: Modern heavy-duty vehicles rely on a myriad of sensors to operate efficiently. A faulty sensor can lead to decreased performance or warning lights on the dashboard.

Solution: Use diagnostic tools to pinpoint malfunctioning sensors. Replace them as needed and ensure their connections are free from dirt and corrosion.

Work With an Expert Today

If you find the charging system is in need of new parts, give us a call. We can replace your old alternators with something that will last a whole lot longer, saving your business time and money.